Listed below are the contact names for the various positions in the chapter. Please contact the appropriate person if you have questions about the chapter or its activities. Clicking on a name should activate your mail program and enable you to send your inquiry via e-mail.
James (Jim) Brebner
Vice President:
Craige Pelouze
Andrew Elmore
John Hartka
Event Chairperson:
Jamie Millhiser
Richmond Reps:
Linwood Mingis and Jerry Shaprio
Charlottesville Rep:
To volunteer, please contact any member of the board
Lynchburg Rep:
Roanoke Rep:
To volunteer, please contact any member of the board
Harrisonburg Rep:
To volunteer, please contact any member of the board
Looking for a volunteer, please contact the board if you’re interested in helping. The site is WordPress based.
The Blue Ridge chapter is growing and always excited to hear from BMW enthusiasts in our area. We encourage you to reach out and join us for an upcoming drive or meet up.